
Posted: Wednesday, July 9, 2008 by R and J in

I finally got some pictures of the place.
Here they are!

The house:
Annilee will appreciate this one. This is the front corner of the deck where all those greasy ashy stains were. All clean now! Cleaned it off with a scrub brush and an enviro-friendly cleaner called "Oil Lift" which was invented by some guy at UBC, I think. Very handy stuff.

Ru enjoying the deck:

Our newly painted laundry room floor! The walls still need to be cleaned and painted, but it's still SO much better than it was.

Luigi standing at the front window as I was taking pictures. For some reason he was kinda freaked out by it.


  1. armstark says:

    oh my goodness! the deck looks brand new now! LOL! Where did you get the Oil Lift? I might needs some for where our BBQ sits before we stain the deck...

  1. R and J says:

    I got it at the big health food store here. Actually we ran out so I couldn't get the rest of the deck looking that good, even though it wasn't nearly as dirty as that corner. Rien tried to get more, but they didn't have much in stock. No idea why.