Days 13, 14, and 15

Posted: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 by R and J in

Nothing terribly exciting to report on these days. Just more yard work, cleaning, and unpacking.
We continue to deal with bugs, and it's very frustrating. I've found sliverfish (usually just one) in quite a few boxes now, and also around the kitchen sink pretty regularly. This is going to be an uphill battle.

Other than the general yuckyness of the bugs, the unpacking is finally coming along pretty well. We're still not very organized, and the place is a mess. But at least we're able to get around better and find things that we need.


  1. armstark says:

    I had bug bites on my feet when we left... not sure what they were!

  1. R and J says:

    Probably mosquitoes. We've got lots of 'em.

  1. armstark says:

    could be - they were in the most annoying places too! right on the sides of my feet where my shoes all rub! all gone now though!