Day 3

Posted: Friday, July 4, 2008 by R and J in

More cleaning! And we did some running around to pick up some supplies. Then we started cleaning up the laundry room floor to prepare it for the washer and dryer. We picked them up used on moving day. We had found a stove for the downstairs suite. But when we went to see it, found out they had a great washer and dryer set for sale too. So hopefully we can do laundry by early next week!

First we had to clear the hundreds of spider webs and kill bugs and spiders. Then scrape down the cement that runs partly up the walls with cleaner and a wire brush. Then came the fun stuff. The floor had lots of sticky, dirty crap on it. So we got that up and started scraping down the floor to make sure old paint chips were removed and ready for a new coat of paint. Most of the work was completed, but some scraping still needs to be done on day 4 before the paint goes on. Can't wait!

R set up the computers and TV upstairs so we could finally get back on line and start looking up things as we need to (like how to deal with silverfish!). So we took a bit of a break for most of the evening, and enjoyed just sitting on the couch, chatting with Roma on Skype and catching up on email, etc. Then it was back to work.

Luigi snuck downstairs for a while, so we're hoping he didn't pick up any gross germs or bugs or something! He sure had fun!