Day 16

Posted: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 by R and J in

Today I used Simple Green cleaner and a new sponge mop and really scrubbed down the walls and ceiling of the smokey room downstairs. And yes, in case anyone is wondering, that stuff does taste like mint. Mmmm. There is still a smell, but I'm hoping once we get the floor cleaned it will improve. And paint will do a lot for it too. I killed a lot of spiders today.

R made some shelves for the bathroom cabinet so we have somewhere to put our things. Then it was all about unpacking and organizing.

We're very far behind on the renos because of all the cleaning. So there's just no way the suite will be ready for rental for Sept 1. We're gunning for Oct. 1 now.


  1. armstark says:

    just wait till you really get going on the renos - then cleaning will take on a whole new meaning! glad it's getting more livable for you though!

  1. R and J says:

    That's what a shop vac is for!!