Day 4

Posted: Friday, July 4, 2008 by R and J in

The laundry room is well under way. It's our first official reno project here. We had to scrub the floor, and R even ended up sanding it down to clean up the flaking paint. Then we painted it, and it looks great!!

Tomorrow we will do another coat on the floor just to be safe.
I also swept the deck and will wash it down thoroughly once the garbage is gone. Then the cats can enjoy it with us. That's probably still a few days away though.

We're very upset to discover our 10 month old kitten, Luigi has fleas now. So we're off to the vet tomorrow to get something for that. R ripped out the carpets from the downstairs so the fleas have no place left to live other than on the cats. That should help. Could be an ongoing battle for a while though until the place is really cleaned up. Ick!! Poor Luigi. He's constantly scratching and licking to get rid of them. Ru seems unaffected so far, though we'll treat him anyway just to be safe.

Ru jumped out the upstairs livingroom window today. R saw him when he was downstairs. An orange blur jumping up and down in front of him outside the window. He was trying to get back inside the window that he jumped out of, but with no luck. So R ran to his rescue and got him back inside. What a goof for jumping out the window!!

I cleaned up the kitchen some today, including the oven and stove. The oven needs another cleaning tomorrow, but should be good once it's done. It's a new stove (maybe a year old), but the renters clearly never cleaned it once. Such a shame. And what a mess!

We met our neighbour across the road today as she was collecting $$ for her youth group's camp. Seems like a nice kid. We gave a small donation to help her out.

R's uncle Mladen and aunt Laurie stopped by to check out the place. They offered some good suggestions, and over all sounded a little overwhelmed by the work we have ahead of us. Ya, I know the feeling!! lol

We glued down the poly in the shower more today so it's more workable, and it has worked well. It looks like crap, but that's to be expected. In fact it's a major point of humour for us!! Welcome to our house of CRAP.

We're very satisfied with the work done in the laundry room as it's finally a noticeable step forward in cleaning the place up. But we still constantly struggle with all the work that is left to do in such a short period of time.

Overall we took it easier today, which was nice. Finally my feet aren't killing me, and R's back is not too bad. We need days like this now and then when we don't go nuts on renos and cleaning, but still get some stuff done.