Day 17

Posted: Thursday, July 17, 2008 by R and J in

I cannot believe we're at day 17 already. That's just crazy!

Today involved cleaning the walls of the other downstairs bedroom (no smoke, yay! Still killed LOTS of spiders though), and also cleaning some of the other walls downstairs, finishing the final cleaning of the oven drawer and unpacking pots and pans into it, laundry, laundry, laundry (some boxes of clothes will have to be completely rewashed to make sure they don't have any silverfish eggs in them), a walk to the store to pick up a few things, and bringing furniture up from storage so we can reorganize boxes in there and get the suite cleared out for more cleaning and renos. We also finally got our portable dishwasher set up and cleaned. Yay!

The baseboards in both downstairs bedrooms are in surprisingly good shape. So we're hoping we can take them off, clean them, paint them, and put 'em back on (after we redo the flooring, of course). That will save us a bit of $$.

The weather has been warm/hot and sunny every day, and that has been great. Sometimes it's a little too hot, but still survivable. We cannot imagine having to do all of this work in the middle of winter with the windows closed and rain and cold to battle. Not to mention having to run the furnace and having it blow dust, etc. everywhere. That just would NOT have worked at all. Summer is much better for this kind of work, no question!

The truck's power stearing died a couple of days ago, so we now have a repair bill to deal with. Not the best timing, but these things happen.

I paid the water bill yesterday, which was very high. That is because both toilets run constantly and the tub also has a slow dribble all the time. Once those are fixed up that bill should go down quite a bit!

Oh yes, I fell down the stairs today too. That was fun. No major damage done. Just some mildly bruised spots, slightly pinched nerve, and bruised ego of course.