Critters in the trees

Posted: Sunday, December 14, 2008 by R and J in

Normally we get lots of birds in the trees around our balcony. But now and then we see some other kinds of critters. A few weeks ago we found a young raccoon in one of the trees. And every now and then this little critter stops by to hang out for a while. Last night he was up high on a branch and barely noticeable. When we opened the patio door to get a closer look, Luigi came running out. Well that got the owl's attention! He flew over to a much closer tree and sat on a low branch hanging very close to the balcony. He must have been thinking Luigi would make a nice tasty evening snack. Even with us there, lights on, and camera flashing at him he wasn't budging. Eventually we got Lui back inside. We're not sure if the owl is quite big enough to drag him off the deck. But he sure could have done some damage.


  1. armstark says:

    really? I'd have locked that rug munching, poop smearing cat outside until he DID get dragged away!

  1. R and J says:

    Lemme tell ya, it was sure tempting. I just didn't want to deal with cat carcass on the deck. Ick.