Pictures as promised

Posted: Friday, September 12, 2008 by R and J in

The fountain from Karel and Ayu:

Us in Coombs:

The downstairs bathroom gutted!

R pulling out some of the frame in the downstaris bathroom:

Me starting demo on the downstaris bathroom/hallway wall:

The downstairs bathroom after all the plumbing work R did:

R cut and reconnected the copper drainage pipe so it didn't stick out past the wall anymore


  1. armstark says:

    I'm sure the kitties will love to drink out of the fountain!

  1. R and J says:

    Yep. They don't even use their water dish anymore. It's funny to watch though!

  1. armstark says:

    post some more updates so we can see the squallor you're living in! ;)