What's going on these days...

Posted: Saturday, May 14, 2011 by R and J in

R is currently working on building two slide-out shelving units for the big white closet (cave) in the upper bathroom. The room is coming along nicely with the new shower installed and all the walls fixed and painted bright white. It's clean and bright in there finally! The wall-mount toilet was replaced last year due to a crack R found in the old one when he was preparing it to be reinstalled after the bracing was fixed. The new one sounds like it has a jet engine in it when it flushes and it's funny to see how guests react the first time they use it. The baseboards still need to go in and the sink, counter, and cabinets still need to be done, so there's a makeshift counter with the nasty old sink in there for now.

The shelving units will pull out from inside the closet for easy access and will have mirrors on the outside when they're finished. R has created a fantastic design that is going to be beautiful and functional.